Maine Ice Fishing

East Grand Lake, Ice Fishing

Ice fishing on East Grand Lake in Maine.

The links below were obtained from the Maine Dept. of Inland Fisheries & Wildlife website.

Click on this link to view the most updated Dept. of Inland Fisheries & Wildlife Ice Fishing Report.
You can obtain your fishing license online by following this link to our East Grand Lake Fishing License page 
You can also view Maine Fishing Laws & Definitions pages on General Law & Limit Information  which will take you to where you can view more information on laws for this & other regions of Maine, as well as daily bag, possession and minimum length limit tables; on specific fish found in Maine’s lakes.

Ice fishing on East Grand Lake in Maine is enhanced by it’s beautiful surroundings and wide variety of fish. East Grand Lake ice fishing is done by catching fish with lines and fish hooks or spears through an opening in the ice. Ice fishing may be done in a heated ice shack, shanty or cabin on the ice, some with bunks and other amenities.

Ice Fishing on East Grand Lake can be done at anytime of day, but is typically most active around dusk and dawn.  There are ice fishing houses that are comfortable and large enough to spend many days in a row out on East Grand Lake, fishing the entire time. There are also many lightweight and highly mobile portable ice fishing shelters (Ice Shacks) that mount on plastic sleds and collapse for transportation.

Ice fishing gear includes an ice saw, auger, chisel or power ice augers, which are used to cut holes in the ice. The size of the hole generally suggested is 8 inches (20 cm). There are three main methods of ice fishing.  The first method of ice fishing on East grand Lake, called jigging,  is done  using a small, light fishing rod with small, brightly colored lures or jigs with bait such as wax worms, fat heads,crappie or shiner minnows.  For successful jigging, the jigger needs to use a rod which is good for feeling a strike, and needs to stay in contact with the lure and get it to where the fish are. Most fish caught by jigs are on or near the bottom. The second method of ice fishing on East Grand Lake  is by using Tip-ups, which are made of wood or plastic, and have a spool of line attached. Worms, power bait, grub worms or small minnows are placed on the hook. The hook with bait placed into the water under the ice. When the fish strikes the bait, a flag is lifted, which indicates that there is a fish on the hook. The third method of ice fishing on East Grand Lake is with a spear. A large hole is cut in the ice and fish decoys may be deployed. Utilizing a dark ice fishing shack or shanty called a dark house, the water is observed through the hole while holding a large spear which has several points. A line can be attached to the points. When a fish appears, the spear is plunged into the water, spearing the fish.

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